Saturday 23 May 2015

Proud to be Johorean

Johor is the Southern Gateway to Malaysia. Located in the southern most part of peninsula Malaysia, it is a state which is diverse in every way such as food, culture, and even geographical features. Johor owes its rich culture and diversity in food to the many visitors and traders throughout history. Be it Zapin or Kuda Kepang, Laksa Johor or Mi Bandung, or even the mysteriously alluring Princess Of Gunung Ledang ( or also known as Mount Ophir ) visitors often come back to Johor for more.
Johor was named after Arabic word "Jauhar" which means precious gems. Arab influence in Johor has been significant due to Arab traders who used to come to trade spices a long time ago. Visitors and traders from Siam used to call Johor "Gangganu" whis also means gems. Johor is indeed precious. for shopping or excitement, Johor offers them all. Golf lovers would appreciate Johor's finest golf courses. adventure seekers would enjoy Johor's vast rainforest of Endau Rompin, which is one of the Peninsula's biggest virgin lowland forests.

Food lovers would enjoy the palette of traditional food Johor has to offer. The creamy laksa Johor is uniquely Johor, using spaghetti unlike other typical rice noodles used in other types of laksa. Mi Bandung, Briyani Gam, Roti Kirai are among other must try food in when you are there. Johor's culture, especially its traditional dances owe their existence to Arabs mostly.